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These details should be your card billing details.
Change these details to your preferred delivery location.
You may search and select an option from the box below. If you wish to provide further detail please use the box provided.
If you choose the 'Other' option then kindly tell us where you heard about us in your own words.
Tickets sold on are not for resale or trade. Please contact if you would like to enter a trade partnership with us.
Information about our deposit scheme.
If your package qualifies for our deposit scheme it will be displayed in the checkout at time of booking.
All orders within 8 weeks of the event must be paid in full.
If the event is within 12 weeks, the outstanding balance must be paid in full by 6 weeks before the event.
If the event is over 12 weeks away, 50% of the outstanding balance must be paid 4 weeks after the order date and the remaining balance paid by 6 weeks before the event or 6 months after order date, whichever is sooner.
Payment reminder emails will be sent when each payment is due.
Should the customer not complete the deposit scheme, or miss a payment deadline, the order may be cancelled and deposit retained after 10 days.
Champions Travel will use the information you provide on this form to reach out with updates, news, special offers, surveys, competitions and marketing emails.
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You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email you receive from us, or by emailing We will treat your information with respect. Please take the time to check out our Privacy Policy. By clicking subscribe / enter now, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.